Unigames June Newsletter

by Joshua Annison 01/06/23

Unigames June Newsletter

This is a newsletter, hopefully you can ignore the fact that this has been sent out so late. Hopefully y'all are prepared for winter. Why don't you all snuggle up with a heated beverage and get ready for some Unigames related happenings for your reading pleasure.

In case you haven’t joined them yet: Facebook group: (https://www.facebook.com/groups/uwa.unigames) Discord server: (https://discord.gg/gXrnSvA)

For best reading experience I reccomend listening to a bit of music. This month we got some Oppenheimer beats to listen to

Upcoming Events

Mothership RPG Night - 2nd of August 5PM

Brand new to the Unigames library, Mothership is a fun game all about surviving in the most unhospitable enviroment: Space! Destress with some fun roleplaying (unless you gain stress, in which case I recommend escaping peril)

Re-Fresher Re-Welcome - Wednesday 9th of August 4PM

We put Fresher welcome in the microwave and brought it back out for semester 2! Come and play a bunch of boardgames with all the new (and old) freshers, and welcome our new members too the club! Pizza will be available as well!

Spire - Week of the 14th of August

Spire is not a system about slavery. After joining the Ministry of Our Hidden Mistress, you have sworn (in blood) to avenge the wrongs placed upon you and your people. So, if you hate the high elves, come on down to Slayyyyy the Spire.

Boardgame O'Day - Week 4

Unigames has a lot of games, and not all of them get as much love as they should. In this event, game experts will explain there game to other attendees in a stall like set-up, hopefully spreading interest and maybe even get some games organised.

Yeehaw Boardgames - Week 5

Yeehaw boardgames, for all your rootin' tootin' cowboy shootin' games!

PbtA RPG Variety Night - Week of the 28th of August

All of your fave games that are Powered by the Apocalypse are here! With a variety of games under the same system, there is sure to be a game that interests you at this oneshot night!

Study Week Boardgames - Study Week

Study week boardgames! Come down and chill out with your fellow Unigamers and chill out during the break!

Roleplay for Life - 2nd-3rd of September

Dice bag workshop with UWASCA - It's Coming


All our minutes go live at https://unigames.asn.au/blog/ after the Committee Meeting every Monday. In the minutes you can see what your committee has been doing for the club during the week and some hints at upcoming events.


If you want to contact Unigames committee, you can do so through our Facebook page, Discord, or email us at uwaunigames@gmail.com.

What Unigames RPG Am I?

Welcome to “What Unigames Committee Member Am I?”. See how many hints you need to get it right!

Congrats to Alistair for guessing the last game correct. It was Tim Tams! Anyways, here is this months hints:


Send me a message on discord (Saphixia#1129) or Facebook message (Joshua Annison) when you guess it and let me know how many hints it took! This is a tricky one (I think) to start off with. First to do so will be named in the June newsletter! (A prestigious prize)