Unigames March Newsletter

by Joshua Annison 01/04/23

Unigames March Newsletter

This is a newsletter, hopefully this gets sent out to the whole mailing list. Hopefully y'all are ready to have a break over study week. Why don't you all snuggle up with a heated beverage and get ready for some Unigames related happenings for your reading pleasure.

In case you haven’t joined them yet: Facebook group: (https://www.facebook.com/groups/uwa.unigames) Discord server: (https://discord.gg/gXrnSvA)

For best reading experience I reccomend listening to a bit of music.

Upcoming Events

EPIC! Boargames Day - Tuesday 11/04 1PM

They are EPIC long boardgames to play, so its the perfect time to play them!

Charity Vigil - Friday 14/04 4PM

Brought to you by Panto, PCS, UCC, UWASCA, Unigames and UniSFA, Charity Vigil this year we'll be supporting Freedom Centre, a non-profit charity that provides safe spaces for LGBT+ people. Come down for this fun overnight event where people pay way too much money to win games! (Among other things!)

Unigames x UniSFA D&D Movie - Sunday 23/04

This crossover with UniSFA will include a group of members going to Palace Cinemas and watching the recently released Dungeons and Dragons: Honour Among Thieves. Time TBD.

March of Machines Prerelease - Sunday 16/04 11am

March of Machines, the MTG Set where Wizards decided "imagine The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny but we made it lore." So here, all the unlikely team-ups you have ever wanted, such as checks palm card Yargle and Multani. Come down for some fun prerelease best-of-3's, with prizes to be won (distributed on the day) $45 Entry

Theros Flashback Draft - End of April

Remember Magic in the good old days (2013)? Have a nostalgia trip, or take a deep dive into how boomers used to play magic with this Flashback draft. Entry $25, more info to come out soon!

Swancon - April 15th-16th

Swancon is a convention made "to share our love for Science Fiction and Fantasy in print, TV, art, gaming and other forms!" If you feel like teaching some people how to play Pandemic for this years Pandemic Competition (its funny coz covid), click here!


All our minutes go live at https://unigames.asn.au/blog/ after the Committee Meeting every Monday. In the minutes you can see what your committee has been doing for the club during the week and some hints at upcoming events.


If you want to contact Unigames committee, you can do so through our Facebook page, Discord, or email us at uwaunigames@gmail.com.

What Unigames RPG Am I?

Welcome to “What RPG Am I?”. See how many hints you need to get it right!


Send me a message on discord (Saphixia#1129) or Facebook message (Joshua Annison) when you guess it and let me know how many hints it took! This is a tricky one (I think) to start off with. First to do so will be named in the April newsletter! (A prestigious prize)