Unigames Ordinary General Meeting 09/05/2023

by Joshua Annison 09/05/23

Unigames Ordinary General Meeting 09/05/2023


  • Jackie Shan
  • Ethan Gibson
  • Connor Brennan
  • Joshua Annison
  • David Giles
  • Gen Ferguson-Allen
  • Christopher Leak
  • Hannah Niklaus
  • James Taylor
  • Alex Bennett
  • Patrick McFerran
  • Jack Bariss
  • Mani Dashti
  • Everest White
  • Finn Gearon
  • Lorenzo Iannuzzi
  • Lewis Graham
  • Alistair Langton
  • Grace Fowler
  • Apollo Walters
  • Bones Gazey
  • Rondelyn Hanson
  • Angus Prosser
  • Jorja Cowan
  • Angus Prosser
  • Daniel Brown
  • Jeremy Butson
  • Andrew 'Gozz' Gozzard
  • Taylor Home
  • Xane Evans
  • Andrew Lawrance
  • Emerald Aindow

Meeting Scheduled: 4:00pm

Meeting Open: 4:05pm


  • President's Report
    • hi all, short report as we're still early on in the unigames year
    • been business as usual for me but with a bit more chairing
    • unigames has been going well with higher than normal attendance for most of this semester!
    • strong emerging member base this year, especially compared to last year - i'm excited to see where we go
    • surprise incoming next week, keep your eyes and ears and discord peeled
  • Vice President's Report
    • Been Vp this year so far
    • Ive been focussed on magic events as well as some longer term magic related projects
    • Thanks to everyone whos been coming to our events and contributing to our record attendance across the board 😎
  • Treasurer's Report

    • Submitted the O'day grant, receiving $381.50, and submitted an SPG to revive Can Hall, receiving $39.38
    • Increased the price of juice boxes 😔
    • I've helped out where I could at Boardgames and RPG events throughout the semester
    • Went on a l o t of food runs 😩
    • Our starting account balance was $4548.82
    • Account Balance: $3330.88
    • This number is a little deflated, as we have currently have money invested in two [REDACTED]s, our 40th Anniversary Ball, and our Magic the Gathering packs and boxs
  • Secretary's Report

    • Done food runs (secretary things)
    • Done secretary things
      • Minutes
      • Newsletter
        • April Edition out this week!
    • Marshalled for a nice combined Prosh
    • Ran some events
      • A very successful minipainting
      • Pokemon TCG
      • Cyberpunk Red
      • Jackie did tempban me from running events after doing 3 in one week.
    • Helped get some new chairs for the club
  • Librarian's Report

    • Heya, resident bird admirer here
    • I was on charity vigil subcom
    • I also organised and ran a few events, including Intro to Wargaming and Unigames and UniSFA go to the D&D movie, where I developed an unhealthy obsession with Chancellor Jarnathan
    • Also did Librarian duties including:
      • Switching to an online borrowing system (thanks jackie/webkeepers)
      • More library entry for our newer boardgames
      • Finally labelling our rpg shelves, and
      • The semester 1 book buy post <-- keep those suggestions coming, it'll be open for a few more weeks!!!
  • Fresher Rep's Report

    • Organised Fresher campaigns
    • helped organise/run C boardgames
    • helped organise/run Call of Cthulhu one-shot RPG night
    • (kinda) helped organise Cyberpunk one-shot RPG night
  • OCM's Reports

    • Chris // initiative: 1 on d20

      • Organized a number of events this semester including Charity Vigil
      • Reorganized the Discord alongside Jackie. If there are any other suggestions or questions about our discord and other online social spaces, please let us know! We are doing our best to make these spaces as accessible and efficient as possible and we are open to any further feedback.
    • Hannah // initiative: 0 (not here)

      • helping new committee members up to speed
      • ran and organized C board games with Gen
      • ran and organized Oceanic Boardgames with Chris
    • James // initiative: 17 on d20

      • Did gatekeeper training
      • Ran Social Deductions Boardgames
      • Ran Epic Boardgames Day
      • Ran D&D One-shot night including doing a reserve list
      • Going to run Investigations Boardgames
    • Texas // initiative: 2 on d4

      • hello all
      • I have not done anything for committee since being assigned
      • I have attempted to help organise 40th anniversary ball
      • I wish all the best for committee moving forward and best of luck for the newest ocm
      • have a wonderful rest of term and good luck on your fast approaching exams :3

Immediate Past President's Report (Emerald):

  • Emerald has attended: ==8/11 (72.72% WR)== Meeting
    • Wait I have only attended eight meetings? Damn.

General Updates

  • Recap on big events of the year so far:

    • AGM
      • It happened successfully
    • Fresher Welcome
      • 40-50~ people
      • too much pizza
    • RPG O'Day
      • New event
      • 26 attendees
      • worked well
    • Variety Oneshot Night
      • also somewhat new
      • helped increas evariety
      • tried to make things more accessible
      • 4 tables worth of peoples
    • Prosh
      • 14
    • Charity Vigil
      • We had a very good turn out
      • :ok_hand:
      • $2180.77 raised
  • Upcoming Events:

    • Investigation Boardgames - Friday 12/05/23 5PM
    • One-Page RPG's - Week 11
    • Spaced Out Boardgames - Week 12
    • Study Week Painting Day - Tuesday Study Week
    • Warhammer RPG Night - Post-Exams
    • Unigames [REDACTED] 2023 - [30/06/2023 - 3/07/2023]

Agenda Items

Resignation of Alex Bennett

  • "I would like to resign from Unigames OCM. I was forced into this role by Jackie asking me nicely. Good luck to the next OCM, thanks everyone. Let the bloodbath begin." - Texas

Election for a new OCM

  • Motion to approve ROs
    • Lewis Graham
    • James Arcus
  • Passes Unanimously
  • Nominations:
    • Mani Dashti - Accepted
    • Angus Prosser - Accepted
    • Daniel Brown - Accepted
    • Jack Bariss - Accepted
    • Oscar Gates - Accepted
    • Jorja Cowan - Accepted
    • Apollo Walters - Accepted
    • Alistair nominates Xane Evans - Accepted
    • Connor nominates Jeremy Butson - Accepted
    • Everest nominates Rondelyn Hanson - Declined
  • Oscar Gates is elected OCM

Texas's Constitutional Amendment

  • Proposed Amendment Doc
  • Original: 6.6.1) Be filled through appointment of a Financial Member by Committee, subject to review at the next General Meeting
  • Changed: 6.6.1) Be filled through appointment of a consenting Financial Member by Committee, subject to review at the next General Meeting.
  • Reasoning: don't let committee assign anyone OCM, addition of "consenting"
  • Taylor proposes friendly amendment:
    • 66.1) Be filled through appointment of a consenting Ordinary Financial Member by Committee, subject to review at the next General Meeting.
  • Lorenzo asks whether this applies to other election sections such as 5.1
    • Taylor: This doesn't actually change anything, just makes it consenting (which any committee in good faith would abide by).
    • Gozz: Substantive change, would have to be raised at a later meeting.
    • Andrew: Doesn't actually change anything.
  • Final Wording:
    • 6.6.1) Be filled through appointment of a consenting Ordinary Financial Member by Committee, subject to review at the next General Meeting.
  • In Favor - 25
  • Against - 4
  • Abstaining - 0
  • Constitutional Amendment Passed
  • Gozz puts on agenda of next meeting "consent" changes (if he is still a student (he may not be))

Taylor's Motions

  • Proposed Motion Doc
  • Proposed Motions
    • MOTION ONE: Motion to repeal point 4 of the DnD motion that was passed at the 13/02/23 Ordinary General Meeting: Motion to encourage the Committee to, wherever reasonable, avoid purchase of Wizards of the Coast, Tabletop Role-Playing Game products.
    • MOTION TWO: Motion to encourage the Committee to, wherever reasonable, avoid purchase of Wizards of the Coast, Tabletop Role-Playing Game products.
    • MOTION TO AMEND MOTION TWO: Motion to encourage the Committee to, wherever reasonable, purchase non-Dungeons and Dragons (5th edition and newer) products in preference to Dungeons and Dragons (5th edition and newer) products. This directive is to be reviewed and renewed within 13 months and will lapse and cease to be in effect if not renewed within that time frame. Everest White Leaves the meeting 5:34
  • Taylor lays out how she particularly would like to pass these motions

Clarification on Motion 1

  • Taylor:
    • MOTION ONE: initial motion was passed with no discussion and no debate. There was no opportunity to make amendments - which was agreed (even by people who voted in favour) that it was a mistake. For example, there was no renewal/end date in place. In addition, we’ve since realised that the procedural motion that forced the vote without discussion was not valid. (point 91 of the Guild Standing Orders). We are not voiding this vote, but think it is appropriate to reset and bring the amendment (motion two) back for discussion from scratch, to be done properly.
    • MOTION TWO: As above, resetting the motion. This is the exact wording of the motion that was passed at the earlier General Meeting. This is going to be the base of the motion to allow for discussion and amendments from this point.
    • MOTION TWO AMENDMENTS: As was discussed immediately after the General Meeting and at the subsequent AGM, this wording would bring the motion in line with the point 3 of the DnD motion - being more specific about the content affected and giving an explicit deadline and renewal process for the motion so that future committees are not subject to a restriction that nobody remembers.
  • Lorenzo: Is this different from a motion to reconsider?
    • Yes, the vote would have 3 options, doesn't believe reconsidering is the best practice.
  • Andrew: Should we discuss everything at once and then vote in order?
    • Gozz: Discussion is easier this way
  • Lewis: You can still vote that the decision of last meeting was correct by voting for the original wording to replace the original wording

Discussion on Motion 1

  • Andrew: Yeah we love this

Clarification on Motion 2

  • This was the wording "agreed upon" by last OGM that was not passed

Discussion on Motion 2

Motion to Amend Motion 2

Clarification on Motion to Amend Motion 2

  • Discussion of how the amendments works
    • Yes but it would be recommended to do this again at the next OGM so that its on the right cycle
  • Angus: Isn't the spirit of the renewal to keep them together and not keep them perpetual?
    • Taylor: Leaving something indefinite is not constitutional, causes a lot of confusion. If club doesn't care it should expire
    • Gozz: No harm done. Some people may want one and not the other so if they fall out of sync that is okay.
  • Gozz: Things don't need to be tweaked here, you can amend motion later, unless you think the original wording is better than amended wording, you can fix mistakes later.

Discussion on Motion to Amend Motion 2

  • Angus: Confused on why we are making an inconsistency.
    • Clarified
  • Lewis: Thinks instead of DND 5th Ed + we should have WOTC TTRPG PRODUCTS. Isn't relevant for making purchases.
    • Taylor: Shouldn't be relevant?
    • Chris: There are realistic situations where being able to repurchase legacy versions of a game is useful for example a new PHB.
      • Angus: Change the wording to say "current" and "future"
      • Lewis: Correct, might make sense to restrict committee from doing that.
    • Chris: Goes against content that inspired it in the first place.
      • Gozz: Originally asked that we get through this later but considering we aren't oh wells. Changes were made based on what the club promotes, don't want to promote companies that are killing off their "competitors". Don't want to waste funds on things you don't support, + financial boycott. Taking money away from one division to drill it in to WotC where we want the financial pressure.
        • Lewis: Yeah this makes sense.
    • Lorenzo: if we are going to be boycotting we should be still boycotting the whole company
      • Chris/Gozz: We probably don't mind if they came out with something else that isn't dnd, because that system is not attempting to monopolise. That is why there is a distinction
        • Lewis: Its valid to do it Lorenzo's way
      • Angus: Killing magic would kill its contribution to card games. Clarifications are important. Meaningless boycott.
        • Taylor: we can boycott dnd, all RPGs, WotC, companies that do bad things. If club is going to take a stance it should be across the board not targeted because of the news coverage. It is unreasonable to have a blanket ban on D&D products.
        • Gozz: Businesses look at income streams and adjust to maximise all of them. The boycott does technically do something.
          • Angus: Using that logic, D&D products.
            • Taylor: Thats what this is saying yes. Its all ambiguous at the end of the day
            • Gozz: This is about manipulation of the space.
  • Finn: Its getting circular

Clarification on Lorenzo's Motion

Discussion on Lorenzo's Motion

  • Lorenzo: Motion to encourage the Committee to, wherever reasonable, purchase non-Wizards of the Coast Table Top Role-Playing Game products in preference to Wizards of the Coast Table Top Role-Playing Game products. This directive is to be reviewed and renewed within 13 months of last renewal, and will lapse and cease to be in effect if not renewed within that time frame.
    • Chris: Not in the spirit of the motion, too broad.
      • Angus: They are not gonna make one soon
        • Taylor: Club wants to make themselves feel better
          • Gozz: This is how collective action works.
            • Taylor: It already happened
      • Lorenzo: The fact that they tried is point enough to boycott completely
        • Taylor: Why limit to RPG's
          • Lorenzo: Would prefer WotC but I am being pragmatic.
      • Angus: Its personal politics at this point.
  • Gozz: Maybe we should list off responses without reply to speed things up
    • Accepted
  • Gozz: d20 modern exists and I would rather not touch that. There is meaning
    • Lewis: Brings it back out of sync (on purpose)
      • Oscar: Is clarified.
    • Voting on Lorenzo's Motion: Fails
      • For: 1
      • Against: 9
      • Abstain: 12
  • Jarcus: Lapsing cause is problematic, would prefer a change. Doesn't need to be renewed
    • Taylor/Gozz: Semantics, this communicates the intent: we should deliberately renew/discard. If we forget then it also fizzles (probably not relevant). Functionally Fine
      • Chris: Semantics
        • Gozz: Best "software" implementation of the intent of the motion.
      • Jarcus: Cautions the reliance of self terminating motions.
        • Gozz: Can enact policies that only a GM can change but must be documented isn't a thing that Unigames has. Go change that later.
      • Jarcus: The problem is that it takes ages and is convoluted.
        • Angus: Not relevant enough if people get tired of doing it.
          • Taylor: Don't encourage apathy
        • Taylor: This is the way the club will behave for the next year. Renewal clause forces you to bring it up so we can do it again.
          • Gozz: Easiest way to stop is do nothing.
  • Vote to amend Motion 2 - Passes
    • Yes: 20
    • No: 0
    • Abstain: 1

Motion 2 Points of Discussion

  • Taylor: This effectively does nothing because committee already did everything that they said they would.

Meeting loses quorum.

  • Chris: Explains why its important to discuss.

Regain Quorum

  • Taylor: If we want to set standards it should be equal.
    • Lewis: Unreasonable but also does nothing.
      • Taylor: Doesn't change their behaviour but now there is rules
        • Lewis: Codifies policy
      • Chris: Main difference we are making a rule that committee must follow. No mechanical meaning.
  • Angus: Boycott is personal, should not restrict the members.
    • Taylor: Discussed previous OGM, meeting came that it isn't discouraging, but should facilitate other systems without the same market reach. Codifying how the club spends money in regards to D&D.
    • Lewis: Doesn't, just restricts committee.
      • Gozz: WE have a responsibility to provide options to members
        • Alistair: Fatal in library when?
      • Gozz: Unigames does not have unlimited capacity, and has no obligation to provide, only to facilitate objectives. Possible to do one without the other. Nothing should have a bearing on the freedoms of individual members.
  • Vote Motion 1 then 2
  • Vote on Motion 1 - Passes
    • Yes: 19
    • No: 2
    • Abstain: 1
  • Vote on Motion 2 - Fails
    • Yes: 6
    • No: 10
    • Abstain: 6

General Business

- Jackie: Big Things are coming

Meeting closed: 07:15pm