Unigames Ordinary General Meeting 10/09/2019

by Donald Sutherland 10/09/19

Unigames Ordinary General Meeting - 10/09/2019


  • Donald Sutherland
  • Elana Kardol
  • Katherine Scott
  • Simon Lawrance
  • Harry Trumble
  • Kyle Barrow
  • Max Cartwright
  • Kai Rigby
  • William Corbett
  • Mitchel Phillips
  • Tyler Strahan
  • Guinevere Sellner
  • Harrison Lee-Kelly
  • Jackie Shan
  • Amelia Shepherdson
  • Alistair Langton
  • Alaura Evans
  • Aoibhinn O'Shea
  • Taylor Home
  • Merlin Hoskins
  • James Arcus
  • Emerald Ainslow
  • Jasmine Sullivan
  • David Adams
  • James Blacker
  • Logan Frost
  • Andrew Gozzard

Meeting open: 1:09PM



President's Report:

  • There hasn't been all that much new to report since the last OGM
  • The biggest update is committee is in full swing with planning of our larger events for later this year including charity vigil, uncharity vigil, relay for life, larp, and roleplay for life happening this weekend

Vice-President's Report:

  • Not much has happened in the few weeks since our last general meeting.
  • I’ve spent that time working with committees to set the ground work for upcoming events in particular Cameron Halloween and LARP1001.
  • Also I’ve been sending emails to increase communication with other clubs and departments.

Treasurer's Report:

  • Apologies for my lack of report, I am so sick right now.
  • We have $2591.82
  • I've cowritten some constitutional changes,
  • Let's hope I don't get chucked from facebook

Secretary's Report:

  • Hey all, not much has happened
  • Emailing is now a thing!
  • We also have a Professional Computing group constructing a new library system for us. We should be seeing the result of that shortly.
  • Hype for Throne of Eldraine!

Librarian's Report:

  • Not too much has changed since the last meeting a few weeks ago.
  • Roleplay for Life is this weekend so please come along and help raise money for our relay team. I still have to come up with so many encounters rip.
  • Summer LARP is coming along well, with the first stage of planning to be completed this week. It’s shaping up to be an amazing event.
  • We’ve had a number of donations to the library recently including some D&D splats, a set of Yu-Gi-Oh starter decks and the first Twilight trivia game. The library is set to expand even further with the book buy currently set for late October, more details to follow on that soon.
  • Long Term borrowing has been going well with only a few mistakes in the early days, and the new system should make it even easier to see what’s available, what you’ve borrowed and when it’s due.
  • If you have any questions about the library, please don’t hesitate to ask.

Fresher Rep's Report:

  • Not many updates since the last OGM
  • Did the calls for more signups, did some late assignments, made some new campaigns, no one appears to have died so that's great
  • The refresher rewelcome was more returning members than fresh freshers, but everyone had fun and the event went pretty well so that's the main part
  • See you all at roleplay for life, I'm so sorry about the poster

OCM reports

  • I started the LARP1001 events, planning went well and hopefully going to make the next 3 instalments of this event run better and better. (Come to the LARP event Satuerday the 21st)
  • Working on the Charity Vigil event, planning going well so far
  • Have done food runs and trained a couple of Gatekeepers
  • Continued running and planning board game nights
  • In the time since last OGM I've organised a couple of oneshots, a painting day and am helping organize summer larp.
  • Thank you for having me!
  • I’m pleased to say I’ve already been put to work!
  • I’m working on our monthly larp1001 please come on down!
  • I’m working eagerly on our summer larp v keen about that too
  • I’m DM’ing for role play for life this weekend
  • And I’ll be at relay too!!

The suspension of James Blacker:

  • Multiple complaints were submitted against James
  • Committee decided to suspend James as part of the resolution process.
  • Our constitution requires that we address this suspension at the next OGM.
  • Two complaints (dated 11th July and 16th July) regarding James are read aloud by Aoibhinn.
  • This suspension was discussed with SOC President Taco Shirashi.
  • James is invited to make a statement:
    • Doesn't know where these complaints came from
    • Wants to know why these complaints were made
    • Has been spending time away from Cameron Hall trying to become better.
  • Statements from other members are invited:
    • Mitchell Philips: I'm a good friend of James. Honestly don't think he meant any harm. I feel he'll become a better person, and that he since has become a better person.
  • Procedural questions:
    • Suspension is 12 months from today? Yes.
    • Will another general meeting be held at the end of the suspension? No, the suspension will end automatically at the end of the 12 months.
    • Vote will be a simple majority.
  • Election of Returning Officers:
    • Motion to remove seconds: Passes
    • Motion to have one RO for this matter: Passes
    • Nominations for RO: Simon Lawrance, Harry Trumble, James Arcus, Kai Rigby
    • James elected as RO
    • Scrutineers: Mitchel Phillips and Alistair Langton
    • Vote is to be conducted by secret ballot.
  • Motion to suspend James Blacker passes in favour of the suspension.

Proposed constitutional changes:

Extra OCM:

  • Ammendment proposed by Donald
  • Will add an extra OCM to committee, and increase the quorum for both committee meeting and general meetings by 1 to compensate.
  • 21 for, 3 against, no abstentions
  • Alteration passes

Life membership changes:

  • Ammendment proposed by Donald
  • Gives a general meeting the power to remove a honourary life member, and allows a life member to resign their life membership.
  • 23 for, 0 against, 1 abstention
  • Alteration passes

The other set of changes:

  • Ammendment proposed by Donald
  • Proposed changes here: https://github.com/unigames/constitution/compare/grammarChanges
  • Was rightly pointed out that the changes vary in scope and functionality
  • Because of this, the changes are gone through line by line.
  • Anyone can request that a change be voted on individually.
    • All functional changes are voted on individually.
  • The changes to spelling (changing "z"s to "s"s in the words "organisation" and "authorisation") were objected to by Andrew Gozzard, and were voted on individually.
  • All indivual changes:
    • Change from "organizations" to "organisations"
      • FAILS (14 for, 8 against)
    • Change to make sure only Unigames members may move motions (and sub-items)
      • PASSES (23 for, 0 against)
    • Change to officially allow committee to codnuct business via circular
      • PASSES (23 for, 0 against)
    • Change to spelling of "authorized" to "authorised"
      • FAILS (13 for, 6 against, 2 abstain)
    • All other changes were voted on as a block
      • The block PASSES (22 for, 0 against)

The election of any vacant committee positions:

  • Because constitution alterations don't come into force until SOC approves them, there are technically no vacant positions.
  • Leading into...

If the relevant constitutional amendment passes, motion to elect a fourth OCM with the understand that they will be added to committee once SOC approves any constitutional changes:

  • Standing nominations: Kyle and Jackie
  • Alistair nominates Jasmine, declines.
  • Nominations close
  • Kyle and Jackie speak
  • Returning officers need to be elected:
    • Alaura clarifies what an RO is
    • Grace and Harry are nominated and approved as ROs
  • Questions are asked of the candidates
  • Kyle is elected as an OCM!

General business:

  • Taylor: UniSFA are looking to do a big overhaul of their club to reduce turnover and related issues
    • Unigames is luckier, in that these issues aren't affecting us.
    • Taylor wants to examine ourselves as well
    • Is our increase in popularity just riding the wave of RPGs? Who knows, but in the meantime there will be a few surveys to make sure that we are good.
  • Taylor: Shirts!
    • Soon, a large order of shirts will be made so we can save money. Order will be done as a restock of black and also another exclusive colour that you can vote for!
  • Alaura: Unique wearables for Unigames
    • I've been thinking about Unigames unique wearables, such as hawaiian shirts.
    • Are people interested?
      • General consensus of yes
    • Other suggestions: Dice, rolling trays, patches, dice bags, etc.

Meeting closed: 2:46PM