Unigames Ordinary General Meeting 15/08/2022

by Ethan Gibson 15/08/22

Unigames Ordinary General Meeting 15/08/2022


  • Emerald Aindow
  • Jackie Shan
  • Ethan Gibson
  • Connor Brennan
  • David Giles
  • Sixteen Armstrong
  • Rondelyn Hanson
  • James Osborne
  • James Taylor
  • Alistair Langton
  • Andrew Lawrance
  • Freyja Dyson
  • Everest White
  • Chris Leak
  • Hannah Niklaus
  • Texas (Alex) Bennett

Meeting Scheduled: 12:00pm

Meeting Open: 12:15pm

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  • President's Report

    • Hello Gamers!
    • This year, I’ve devoted a lot of my time towards pushing for mundane clubroom improvement
    • This is mostly lots of emails and phone calls and more emails when people don’t respond to your emails, but meaningfully meant that we got a new high end aircon and just this week had our custom gaming table delivered and in the room!
    • Additionally, now the table is in, I’m researching new furniture to buy to fill out our storage and pretty up the room!
    • I’ve also been working with Charlotte, the current tenancy chair, to really push for cleaning up and repairing Cameron hall, which is already borne fruit!
    • In terms of major events, I ran camp with Jackie- Leading, cooking dinners and managing the fire
    • I also implemented the new Shepherd’s Pie dinner for the first time, to positive review!
    • When Luna was incapacitated in July, I picked up the librarian duties and completed this semesters book buy.
    • I’ve done food runs and drink runs and furniture runs, and finally been working as a second pair of hands when needed.
  • Vice President's Report

    • hello unigames memberbase
    • i report to you as the eepiest veepy
    • so far this year i've done a lot of committee stuff and have been working hard with emerald in keeping the club running
    • one of my biggest things has been the slow fight for our missing money from guild, which we have now received $750 of (for our 2020 best club award) which we won back in my first term as treasurer
    • other things i've done:
    • camp leader with emerald
    • quiz night darkmittee (in progress)
    • the usual stuff, training our new gate and newmittee
    • helping committee members with various tasks
    • attending socpacs
    • lots and lots of admin
    • interclub stuff wrt bringing back busy bees
    • lots of thinking about writing how to committee guides
    • as usual i'm looking forward to what the rest of the unigames year brings all of us :3 !
  • Treasurer's Report

    • hi team! its been a whole semester
    • the account balance started at $11,195.82
    • and is currently $5,491.12 and will be going down because we have spent lots on money on a number of things this semester
    • the biggest purchase we made, as you may have seen, is our cool new gamer table costing $6,209.00 along with the next biggest purchase that hasnt gone through for MTG jumpstart supplies and set boosters for members to purchase with the goal of making some profit off of them
    • we made our bookbuy purchase for this year ($356.15) with the games night dedicated to them this thursday!
    • of the things i did this semester, i started the process of getting the aircon fixed, did semester grants, getting back $705.09 back from them, resubmitted the envirogrant for can hall to still no avail, got my lvl 1 slt and am trying to get lvl 2 for camp (its cool if i dont though thanks leigh) and i also started adjusting unigames prices due to inflation, killing the 80c can
    • i plan to write an spg for table money back as well as do the joint [redacted] budget and help organise roleplay for life and sem 2 grants
  • Secretary's Report

    • Done food runs (secretary things)
    • Done secretary things
      • Minutes
        • which are now back after a long, long 3 week hiatus
      • Newsletter (a couple times)
    • Mainly been working on overhauling MTG events in the clubroom
      • Running prereleases as per previous years
      • SNOM
        • new event!
      • Booster Box Burchases
        • working on how to purchase these, still needs to be ironed out
      • Battle Decks
        • will be ordered and will arrive at some point (i hope)
    • Attended Busy Bees
    • Ran and Organised Charity Vigil
    • Helped with camp where i could (i was sick)
    • On Joint [redacted] subcom
  • Librarian's Report

    • only been librarian for a ocuple weeks
    • Have written a handful of EMPs, and run a few small events
    • Helped run and organise Charity Vigil
    • Helped run camp
    • Have been trained as a Librarian
    • Currently organising Relay4Life (join Unigains y’all !!)
  • Fresher Rep's Report
  • Hnn I nearly forgor but here is my report:

    • have organized and am organizing fresher campaigns and dealing with the problems that arise from that (mainly scheduling problems and other miscellaneous things)
    • helped out with both fresher welcome and refresher rewelcome (mostly through advertising)
    • also am about to be the unigames PROSH Marshall later this week
  • OCM's Reports

    • Chris // initiative: 4 of 6

      • Hey Everyone! This year so far has been a wild ride.
      • Over the course of the early lockdown this year, me and Emerald discussed a potential Tabletop simulator event, which ended up coming to fruition after camp’s unfortunate covid problem.
      • I helped a little bit (key word: little, thanks cap’n David for carrying) with the carpeting, but have since organized the One-Page RPG and the second Dungeons and Dragons One-shot Nights. Camp was a great time, where I aided with the quiz night, writing questions with completely valid answers, none of which I regret.
      • Unfortunately I have recently had a bout of the spicy flu, but that has not stopped me, and I am ready to go for an absolutely packed semester two with some exciting events coming up.
    • Everest // initiative: 18 of 20

      • ran some rpg nights
      • camp food run is not as scary as it seems, did that
      • joint [redacted] is now Going
      • organised first aid training
      • attended various events
      • shenanigans meant i wasnt around as much for a while, this will change in second sem
    • David // initiative: 9 of 12
      • i have been told to send report to you
      • Hi guys, did some things this year
      • Ran some boardgame events (that always ended up online for some reason)
      • Ran some dnd oneshots ( basically memorised act 1 of LMOP)
      • Helped out at camp
      • Joined the cult of mtg
      • Replaced some carpet tiling
      • and Attended many, many events

Immediate Past President's Report (Alistair):

  • Alistair has attended: ==18.75/22== Meetings
    • Committee doing good job.
    • Closing out things been pending long time.
    • Know they will keep up great work.
    • Lov

General Updates

  • Recap on big events of the year so far:
    • AGM
      • Cool Funky Outside
    • DND and Fresher welcome
      • Allowed us to run events online
    • Unigames Camp
      • Attendance was a bit lower
    • Charity Vigil
      • We had a very good turn out
      • There was some contention with the dice auction
      • So we auctioned more dice!
    • Testing DND sem 2
      • We had a very good turn out
      • even though it was our second dnd one shot of the year
      • First time we tried this
      • Also helped that our original dnd one shot was online
      • Having more in person events is a W
  • Upcoming Events:
    • Shiny New Boardgames - Week 4 [18/08/2022]
    • Arc One shot night - Week 5
    • Battle Royale Boardgames - Week 6 Week of the 29th
    • Quiz Night [Early September]
    • PROSH - Wednesday 5am - [17/08/2022]
    • Roleplay for Life - [03/09/2022 - 04/09/2022]

Agenda Items

Ratification of Connor Brennan's appointment to Librarian

  • Luna has stepped down from Librarian due to health issues
  • Committee has appointed Connor to Librarian, and this needs to be ratified by the General Meeting
  • Motion to ratify Connor's appointment to librarian
    • Passes Unanimously
  • Connor has been ratified as librarian

Election for a new OCM

  • Motion to approve ROs
    • Andrew Lawrence
    • James Burman
  • Passes Unanimously
  • Nominations:
    • Joshua Annison
    • James Taylor
    • Rondelyn Hanson
    • Freyja Dyson
  • Joshua Annison is elected as OCM

General Business

  • 40th Anniversary? we should check with guild
    • Emerald might organise something nice like a ball or something
      • February or when the weather is nice
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Meeting closed: 1:07pm