Unigames Ordinary General Meeting 18/08/2023

by Joshua Annison 18/08/23

Unigames Ordinary General Meeting 18/08/2023

tags: committee meeting 2022


  • Jackie Shan
  • David Giles
  • Gen Allen
  • Oscar Gates
  • Hannah Niklaus
  • Angus Prosser
  • Alistair Langton
  • Lorenzo Iannuzzi
  • Nicolas Charnley
  • James Taylor
  • Connor Brennan
  • Joshua Annison
  • Jack Bariss
  • Chris Leek

Meeting Scheduled: 11:00am

Meeting Open Under Committee of the Whole: 11:20am

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  • President's Report

    • unigames goes strong! we continue to have consistently strong attendance for most of our events
    • pulled a last minute venue change for camp this year and went well all things considered - it was the largest camp i've camp leadered/attended with 50 attendees
    • (though i'm looking forward to being back in our usual site next year)
    • am also working on joint redacted together with ucc & unisfa
    • working hard on 40th anniversary, so sorry for the lateness of it all folks
    • been mentoring committee in how to do committee things, proud of us this year 💪 and will continue to be
    • and as always, large amount of around the place admin "stuff" and "things"
  • Vice President's Report

    • Ran new magic event (precon league)
    • Ran a one shot night and did other miscellaneous event organisation
    • Working on some longer term projects (club decks)
    • Been doing other general club stuff (not David)
  • Treasurer's Report

    • Hey y'all! It's me, shmoney
    • I have been doing a bunch of treasurer stuff since I was elected at the AGM!
    • I applied for an O'Day Grant, and we received $381.50
    • I applied for an SPG to bring Can Hall to Cam Hall, and we received $39.38
    • I applied for our Semester 1 Grant, and we received $1620
    • Additionally, we received $920.35 and $1000 for a 2019 Sem 2 Grant -Correction, and our unpaid 2022 SPG respectively (thank Jackie, not me)
    • As I mentioned at the last OGM, I had to increase the price of juice boxes from $0.50 to $0.80, and recently, we raised the price of confectionary bags from $2.50 to $3.00. Both of these decisions were made so we could purchase them for sale in the clubroom reliably, while at least breaking even
    • I helped organise and run J-Camp this year
    • I have been on many food runs in my time as treasurer (I'm starting to learn which can flavours are which)
    • And finally, at the start of the year, our account balance was $4548.82, and despite dipping throughout the year with numerous large returning investments (b i g food runs, camp deposits), our account balance now stands at $7807.48
  • Secretary's Report

    • Howdy Everyone
    • I have organised a bunch of RPG events this year
    • Organised a Boardgame O'Day for tonight! (Please come)
    • Ran Prosh where we combined with a couple other clubs
    • Ran a painting day
    • Did a bunch of secretary stuff like actually sending out the newsletter
    • I have also brought the Pokemon TCG kicking and screaming into the clubroom and its not starting to take hold
    • Admin "Stuff"
  • Librarian's Report

    • Hi.
    • Did sem 1 book buy
    • Hosted Gaslands and New Boardgames
    • Did admin work for Roleplay For Life (coming soon)
    • Chaired dice bag workshop subcom (also coming soon)
    • Currently in the process of repairing, reinforcing, and archiving many of our older library items.
  • Fresher Rep's Report

    • Freshers are still alive!
    • Helped with club carnival
    • Organised re-fresher re-welcome
    • Currently oganising sem 2 Fresher campaigns
  • OCM's Reports

    • Chris // initiative: 15 of 20 (at disadvantage)

      • "Auuuuggghhhh" - Chris (2023)
      • looking forward to some absolutely slappin' events this semester
      • If y'all have any suggestions or feedback regarding Unigames online social spaces, please let us know! We are constantly reviewing the tools available to us to determine how we can improve our digital spaces
    • Hannah // initiative: 16 of 20

      • organized and ran ocean board games
      • currently organizing yeehaw boardgames
      • and also on the subcom for the dice bag workshop
      • otherwise I’m known for constantly drowning in course work and essays
    • James // initiative: 1 of 6

      • Since the last OGM I did:
        • Investigation Boardgames
        • Camp Boardgames Day
      • I went to Unigames camp where I ran the debates
      • I did general miscellaneous committee things
      • I will be running another boardgames event during study break
    • Oscar // Initiative of 7 of 8

      • 09/05/2023: became an OCM (at last OGM)
      • Did site visit to Eaton for Unigames Camp
      • Helped run Unigames Camp!
      • Ran Holiday Painting Day
      • Ran Mothership RPG Night
      • (Will be) running the PBtA RPG Oneshot Night (30/08) (my baby)
      • Currently on Cam Hall Quiz Night subcom (15/09)
      • "Researched" LARP

    Immediate Past President's Report (Emerald):

    • Emerald has attended: ==12/25== Meetings
    • i’m sick
    • enjoying my “retirement”
    • camp chefin’
    • happy unigames birthday ball
    • aaaaaaaaaaah

    General Updates

  • Upcoming Events:

    • Boardgame O'Day @ 5PM today!
    • Yeehaw Boardgames
    • Study Week Boardgames
    • PBTA One Shot
    • Arc One Shot
    • L5R One Shot
    • Official Chaosium Event
    • Commander Masters Draft
    • Wilds of Eldraine Release
    • SNOM's and Pokemon SNOM's
    • Painting Day
    • Quiz Night
    • Relay For Life
    • Dicebag Work shop
    • Joint [Redacted]

Agenda Items

Constitutional Amendments

  • We do not have quorum and as such doing constitutional amendments is not a good idea
  • Motion to Table Constitutional Amendments to the next General Meeting due to not having attendance for proper discussion:
    • In favor: 13
    • Against: 1
    • Abstain: 0

General Business

  • We need to do a food run
    • Find someone to do it with Connor
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Meeting closed: 11:33am